Saturday, January 29, 2011

How can you make your efforts seen?

As much as you will like to just write about an unconventional topic you need to address topics of interest for your prospects.

You need to be in contact with people just as if you were playing a contact sport. It does not matter if you already know them or they are those that will be following you in the future. This new social world is composed of a set of social networks (RealTown, ActiRain, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.)

Whenever you place a virtual tour or property listing just remember that you should be writing a lot more of non-selling messages. Write about the neighborhood, what is happening on the market that you serve, local sports, etc. cover everything that you might consider talking with your friends.

Despite you are applying yourself to social networking this should not replace traditional prospecting since personal contact is a valuable tool that has to be enforced.

As you increase the quality and quantity of your service you will be generating a positive effect among your clients. Ask for a written testimonial when a client compliments your work. You should make a habit of using testimonials during your presentations.

Always respond to your customers in a timely fashion. This allows them to trust you. If you embrace the user generated content and advice, your prospective customers will embrace your brand.

For all your Internet marketing needs do not hesitate to contact us at 305 331 8960

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