I was recently reading an article of a colleague that complains about how much time he is investing in keeping up with his technology applications. He says that he has to invest too much time updating and enhancing his website, posting his listings to the different social networking sites and creating his virtual tours, etc.
In reality I think all that either he is receiving the wrong advice or he is trying to save in the wrong places. If our colleague was using our virtual tours he will be able to syndicate the tours to a plethora of social network sites at a price that will not break his economy and then he will be able to dedicate his time to the thing he does the best (selling houses). You can even send us your own photos and we will build you a high definition slide show for only $25.00 dollars.
You do not need to blog every day by doing it once a week commenting either about your listings or the community you farm it will be enough to maintain yourself in touch with your community of readers. On the other hand to reduce the time you need to update your website you could buy a website from our company. The tours will then be posted automatically to your website reducing the time you need to update your website. You can even have a mobile website that you can place in your rider and conduct your clients directly to your listings.
Maybe you will need to participate in our SEO training course free for our clients and this will help you reduce the time you need to invest in blogging since this will help you increase your presence as we place your post in our company blog.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Can You Help Your Agents?
Most sellers are becoming more aware of the importance of obtaining professional photos of their properties when they are going to place their property on the market. They are also requiring the agents to place their listing in as many websites as possible. 
This is creating an increase cost on the pockets of the agents that are trying desperately to get the listings in this frozen buyer’s market.

This is creating an increase cost on the pockets of the agents that are trying desperately to get the listings in this frozen buyer’s market.
The cost of obtaining a virtual tour goes from $69.00 to $190.00 dollars depending of the kind of tour selected. This does not includes the work or cost of placing the listing on all the available websites like Trulia, Zillow, Craig's List, Google Base, You Tube, etc....
Can this burden be reduced? Recently a Title company owner asked us if he could buy a group of virtual tours, and use them as a token of appreciation for those realtors that were bringing business to his company. The answer is yes, any company can buy packages of virtual tours, or slideshows that can be given to their customers as a token of appreciation to be used when they needed.
Just imagine how much the agents will appreciate this little token. They will be able to offer a professional service at no extra cost for them, and you can pay just a fraction of the price.
If you will like to offer your customers this service please contact us at (305) 331 8960 or by clicking here.
Affordable real estate marketing
Saturday, November 27, 2010
The Advertisement Dilemma
The advetisemment dilemma starts with those realtors that will like that the return on Investment will show inmediiatelly. Regretfully this is not the case with Internet marketing. This is called the search engines sandbox. Googles sandbox takes around six months for your website to be visible. To get your website to be on the top page of Google it requires some work on your side. Yes, you will have to start a blog and continue blogging frequently.
So you have your listing priced correctly and you will like it to receive an offer in the first two weeks. In the kind of declining market we are right now, you need to have a way to make that property visible as much as possible.
The decision is what kind of advertisement you are goign to invest in.
So you have your listing priced correctly and you will like it to receive an offer in the first two weeks. In the kind of declining market we are right now, you need to have a way to make that property visible as much as possible.
The decision is what kind of advertisement you are goign to invest in.
- Newspapers and magazines advertisements have a limited shelf live of a weekend or some weeks at the most, and are visible locally.
- Virtual tours on the other hand will last one year on the Internet and will be visible world wide.
Regetfully placing a tour on the Internet will not make it inmediately visible, you will need to start your own blog to increase your presenc on the Internet, since having your own website is not enough to get your website to be visible to the search engines.
If you will like to achieve this results you can sign to obtain the required trainig by contacting us or calling at 305 331 8960.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Virtual HD Slideshows
Virtual Florida Tours is happy to announce our new VHD Slide Tour service. For the last years our parent company Real Tour Vision has been researching this innovative and more customer friendly way of presenting our customers listings.
This new service will allow the realtors to send the photos of their listings to us and we will make a slide show for them. The cost is only $25 per VHD slide show.
These tours have our hit information that can be shown to your customers and prospects. They are automatically placed in a great number of Real Estate websites like home.com at no extra cost for you just as our 360 Virtual Tours. You can upload the tour to multiple social networking sites including Digg. Of course if you have showcase service of Realtor.com the slide show can be uploaded at no extra cost for you or you will need to pay Realtor.com upload fee of $25 per tour.
If you will like our photographers to take the pictures for you the cost is only $69.99 per VHD slide show.
For your entire Internet marketing needs do not hesitate to contact us at 305 331 8960 or visit our website.
This new service will allow the realtors to send the photos of their listings to us and we will make a slide show for them. The cost is only $25 per VHD slide show.
These tours have our hit information that can be shown to your customers and prospects. They are automatically placed in a great number of Real Estate websites like home.com at no extra cost for you just as our 360 Virtual Tours. You can upload the tour to multiple social networking sites including Digg. Of course if you have showcase service of Realtor.com the slide show can be uploaded at no extra cost for you or you will need to pay Realtor.com upload fee of $25 per tour.
If you will like our photographers to take the pictures for you the cost is only $69.99 per VHD slide show.
For your entire Internet marketing needs do not hesitate to contact us at 305 331 8960 or visit our website.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Changing the Culture at Your Workplace
How can a company successfully overcome the natural skepticism to overcome the resistance and achieve better customer service, stronger employee engagement or a reputation as one of the best places to work?
Unless the broker of your company is directly involved in the change, it comes off as an initiative, and it will eventually lose steam.
Rather than making a declaration about how you want to change the culture of your business, you just need to start doing it. So you will have to provide flexibility if you want to be viewed as a flexible workplace, or get behind a mentor program to allow your personnel to grow.
To provide an even better customer service to your customers and to the other companies that partner in our service. You will need all the different partners to work together and employees offering solutions.
The bottom line for real estate is that our line of business has changed. A large percentage of our customers are facing foreclosure and they are relying on us to solve their economical situation.
You need to redefine your mission statement and core values. Based on this you need to start training your personnel on what behavior they were expected to demonstrate. The improvement on quality service must be supervised.
You will need to talk to your realtors on a daily basis to hear their feedback from the customers. You need to recognize as frequently as possible the effort of your realtors to go the extra mile for their customers.
You will need to make emphasis on the importance of using the internet as a marketing tour, each realtor should have a website, a mobile website, use virtual tours or slideshows they should participate as frequently as possible on blogs, Facebook, Linkedin, Tweeter, etc.
It takes time for organizational cultural changes to take hold. So you should launch your Journey of Excellence program as soon as possible. You may mandatory training workshops for your realtors to improve customer service, use your monthly meetings with realtors as a reminder to keep their focus on improved customer service.
If you really want to improve the quality service of your company you need to start acting like the company you want to become.
Unless the broker of your company is directly involved in the change, it comes off as an initiative, and it will eventually lose steam.
Rather than making a declaration about how you want to change the culture of your business, you just need to start doing it. So you will have to provide flexibility if you want to be viewed as a flexible workplace, or get behind a mentor program to allow your personnel to grow.
To provide an even better customer service to your customers and to the other companies that partner in our service. You will need all the different partners to work together and employees offering solutions.
The bottom line for real estate is that our line of business has changed. A large percentage of our customers are facing foreclosure and they are relying on us to solve their economical situation.
You need to redefine your mission statement and core values. Based on this you need to start training your personnel on what behavior they were expected to demonstrate. The improvement on quality service must be supervised.
You will need to talk to your realtors on a daily basis to hear their feedback from the customers. You need to recognize as frequently as possible the effort of your realtors to go the extra mile for their customers.
You will need to make emphasis on the importance of using the internet as a marketing tour, each realtor should have a website, a mobile website, use virtual tours or slideshows they should participate as frequently as possible on blogs, Facebook, Linkedin, Tweeter, etc.
It takes time for organizational cultural changes to take hold. So you should launch your Journey of Excellence program as soon as possible. You may mandatory training workshops for your realtors to improve customer service, use your monthly meetings with realtors as a reminder to keep their focus on improved customer service.
If you really want to improve the quality service of your company you need to start acting like the company you want to become.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Are You Ready?

Is your virtual tour & property marketing company setup to sell TXT Connect and Mobile Agent Websites yet? This is an amazing opportunity for you to really connect with your real estate clients and offer a service that they will love and promote your virtual tours at the same time!
In an effort to continue to provide agents with the best tools and information available in the industry, we have introduced a new service that will improve an agent's productivity, professionalism and relationships with buyers and sellers. Its important to note that access to real estate listing information while on-the-go has become mission critical to today's active buyer. Mobile Websites for Realtors is an industry first that not only helps meet the ever increasing demands of mobile buyers but also promotes the name and brand of the Realtor saving them time and money.
Some of you may not be aware of this yet but accessing the internet on a mobile phone is like night and day vs. using a standard computer and website. Unless a website is specifically built to work on all operating systems and for each of the thousands of mobile phone handsets, it will be a rather difficult browsing experience for any user. The mobile phone is here to stay and as they get smarter and smarter, and people continue to access the mobile web, Realtors and all other businesses need a mobile formatted website to continue to capture users and promote their services. This is where our TXT connect program hits a grand slam!
Virtual Florida Tour’s TxTConnect mobile solutions help real estate professionals win more listings, acquire more leads and close more sales, bottom line, make more money. Mobile Websites for Realtors is one of our most exciting property marketing tools available today next to our new HD Slideshow Module. It puts all of an agents listings in the hands of an active buyer and at a time when it is most advantageous. The built in GPS functionality will also identify the nearest properties available to where the buyer is at that time and show the next closest properties to them at that time. This added feature makes it so much more convenient for a buyer to view an agent's other properties nearby for sale.
The mobile site is created automatically and gives buyers instant access to the agent's bio, photo and contact info. In addition, the site promotes the virtual tour of every property listed by that agent.
So why should you purchase the Text Connect program for your virtual tour company and pitch TXT Connect / Mobile Sites to your real estate customers?
1. Mobile sites and TxT Connect is a GREAT way to promote your virtual tours
2. Any RTV provider reselling this service will make reoccurring 30% sales commissions
3. It is the most advanced tool on the market today to appeal to the mobile buyer
4. Every listing is displayed with a location map plotting all their listings, a video or virtual tour upload option, up to 10 photos, GPS activation, a full property description and "Click-to-call" links to contact the agent by SMS/Text, Email or Phone
5. It is all automatically created as they upload their listings and they are live within just a few minutes
6. Buyers access this mobile site either by using 1 single SMS/Text keyword or by an automatically generated QR barcode we create in each account.
7. They can then promote these in all their ads, signs, TV, radio, business cards, etc
8. Custom colors are available for the branding most of the major brokerages
9. This captures leads of all inquiries made to the mobile website
10.SMS technology and mobile sites raises the profile of the agent using the service
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Can You Obtain An Affordable Mobile Website?
Virtual Florida Tours has been researching the market for years to obtain a cheaper andmore flexible solution for marketing realtors on the internet. At last in colaboration with our partners we can offer our clients a very effective website that will allow their prospects to have all their listings at the tips of their fingers. They will be able to see all your listings, browse the photos of the listing they are interested in, and also obtain driving locations to the listing of their choice.
By just sending a test message with your name to 43766 they will receive a website fitted exactly to their phone, that is extremely easy to browse. You will need to act fast before other realtors get their name and therefore exclude you of the possibility of using your own name as your website identifier. The cost is only 29.95 a month act now and get in front of your competition.
By just sending a test message with your name to 43766 they will receive a website fitted exactly to their phone, that is extremely easy to browse. You will need to act fast before other realtors get their name and therefore exclude you of the possibility of using your own name as your website identifier. The cost is only 29.95 a month act now and get in front of your competition.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Do You Have a Mobile Website?
If you have a website but it is not a mobile website, here is what your potential buyer sees when searching your current site on their phone:
This is almost impossible to read and difficult to browse around. So probably that $5000 dollars expensive webpage is bringing you little to no money to your business.
Virtual Florida Tours is glad to announce a very important new technology available to realtors. We can now offer mobile Web-pages for only 29.95 a month. Just imagine placing a rider on every listing that contains this message. If you will like more information just text youname to 43766 and what your client will see is something like this:
According to a recent study of potential home sellers conducted by Philadelphia based research firm Devine and Powers, 49% of respondents said they would be more likely to use an agent who offered a mobile solution as part of their marketing plan, while 67% said it would be a major deciding factor in choosing a Realtor. Here is what the buyer sees when they text "your name" to 43766:
Do you have mobile website?
A mobile site means giving potential buyers direct access to all of your listings and having them display perfectly on their mobile phone. More users are discovering the power and convenience of using their mobile phones to surf the web and do everything they normally would do using a PC or laptop. This is what they will get:
If you would like to try this on your phone just send janeagent@43766. If you just decide to order your own mobile website just order it here.
This is almost impossible to read and difficult to browse around. So probably that $5000 dollars expensive webpage is bringing you little to no money to your business.
Virtual Florida Tours is glad to announce a very important new technology available to realtors. We can now offer mobile Web-pages for only 29.95 a month. Just imagine placing a rider on every listing that contains this message. If you will like more information just text youname to 43766 and what your client will see is something like this:
According to a recent study of potential home sellers conducted by Philadelphia based research firm Devine and Powers, 49% of respondents said they would be more likely to use an agent who offered a mobile solution as part of their marketing plan, while 67% said it would be a major deciding factor in choosing a Realtor. Here is what the buyer sees when they text "your name" to 43766:
Do you have mobile website?
A mobile site means giving potential buyers direct access to all of your listings and having them display perfectly on their mobile phone. More users are discovering the power and convenience of using their mobile phones to surf the web and do everything they normally would do using a PC or laptop. This is what they will get:
If you would like to try this on your phone just send janeagent@43766. If you just decide to order your own mobile website just order it here.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Hints on how to sale a house by owner
In the first place you need to try to study the prices of houses similar to yours in the area since in this market the correct price is one of the most attracting issues customers are looking for.
Then you need to work on the curb appeal of your home. You want it to look at its best that is the first view a customer will have of your home. Cut the grass, remove any dead plants and plant some beautiful foliage.
Invest some money on the exterior and interior of the house by painting it and fixing any little blemish that has appeared during the normal use of your house. Remember that you are required by law to disclose any blemish of the house to your clients.
Now you have fixed your home and repaired everything you could to make it look at its best. The problem is: How can you advertise your house to be able to sell it at the best price possible?
The first task is to decide in which of the possible advertising media you are going to invest your hard earned money.
1. Yard sign
2. Newspaper
3. Magazine
4. Internet
The yard sign is a most since it is cheap and will be advertising the sale until you are able to sell it. Also it could help you increase the exposure of your home with TXT connect.
The newspaper and magazine ads are relatively expensive since they have a short shelf live for the price around 200 dollars for a short weekend or monthly add.
There is a different way to obtain a maximum exposure by using the Internet associated with TXT connect. When you use TXT connect the pictures of your tour are added to a message that can be seen in your phone when you send a text message and at the same time you receive the phone of the customer that just dial the number so you can contact him.
You can decide to select the level of exposure you will like to pay for. Since you can use your own photos or contract a professional photographer to take the pictures of your home.
You can also choose between a slideshow, or a complete virtual tour of your home.
If you need help on how to increase the internet exposure of your home do not hesitate to contact Virtual Florida Tours at (305) 331 8960 or order through the Internet.
Then you need to work on the curb appeal of your home. You want it to look at its best that is the first view a customer will have of your home. Cut the grass, remove any dead plants and plant some beautiful foliage.
Invest some money on the exterior and interior of the house by painting it and fixing any little blemish that has appeared during the normal use of your house. Remember that you are required by law to disclose any blemish of the house to your clients.
Now you have fixed your home and repaired everything you could to make it look at its best. The problem is: How can you advertise your house to be able to sell it at the best price possible?
The first task is to decide in which of the possible advertising media you are going to invest your hard earned money.
1. Yard sign
2. Newspaper
3. Magazine
4. Internet
The yard sign is a most since it is cheap and will be advertising the sale until you are able to sell it. Also it could help you increase the exposure of your home with TXT connect.
The newspaper and magazine ads are relatively expensive since they have a short shelf live for the price around 200 dollars for a short weekend or monthly add.
There is a different way to obtain a maximum exposure by using the Internet associated with TXT connect. When you use TXT connect the pictures of your tour are added to a message that can be seen in your phone when you send a text message and at the same time you receive the phone of the customer that just dial the number so you can contact him.
You can decide to select the level of exposure you will like to pay for. Since you can use your own photos or contract a professional photographer to take the pictures of your home.
You can also choose between a slideshow, or a complete virtual tour of your home.
If you need help on how to increase the internet exposure of your home do not hesitate to contact Virtual Florida Tours at (305) 331 8960 or order through the Internet.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
How Can I Get Found on the Internet?
Successful realtors are obtaining a huge amount of business from the Internet.
Are you getting your piece of this business?
Would you like to obtain a part of it?
Do you know what you will have to do?
If your answer to this questions was no you need to start working on this as soon as possible.
Let us do a search on Miami + realtor and see the outcome …
Are you getting your piece of this business?
Would you like to obtain a part of it?
Do you know what you will have to do?
If your answer to this questions was no you need to start working on this as soon as possible.
Let us do a search on Miami + realtor and see the outcome …

If you did not find your company in the first page of Google for your farm area then you will have to work on it.
Do you have a totally editable Web page as this one, or it is modified by a company that promises a lot and gives you no real business?
If you are in the second situation you need a totally editable web page. This will allow you to increase the quality of the content of your web page and after some time you will be getting business from it.
2. Is this all you will have to do?
If you will like to obtain a part of the Internet business, you will need to start working on your Web page key word optimization and SEO as soon as possible.
Our company can help you to do it. Yes we already did it for our Company, and we have been helping customers for more than five years to get their business exposed on the Internet.
Still considering it. Try a search for one of the following cities. Name of city + virtual tour
Miami, Coral Gables, Pinecrest, or Broward
Ex.: Miami+ virtual tour

If you are willing to do it we are here to help:
Order your Web page and receive a free SEO training and Key word optimization of your Web page.
If you will like that our specialists check your existing web page for optimization please contact us at (305) 331 8960
Friday, July 9, 2010
We cannot get enough money to fund our school
These are tough economic times and everyone is trying to figure out how they can get enough funds to manage their schools. Are the students the ones deciding where they are going to school? In reality schools need to work on convincing the parents that they are choosing the best school possible so that their sons and daughters could obtain the best education they can afford with their hard earned money.
Money is scarce so how can you attract parents to go visit your school. You can invest hundreds of dollars in television and radio advertisement, you can try contacting previous students to send their son and daughters to the school or donate money to the school. The question really is How can you make your school more visible to parents so they realize that your school and not other is the one their kids will excel in?
Public education is getting the lead on this struggle to bring students to their schools. They are developing interactive web pages and placing virtual tours of their school. This allows the parents to appreciate the facilities and advantages of the school even without ever visiting it. An interactive web page is the place where you can allow the parents to obtain the information that will entice them to bring the students to your school.
If you will like to receive more information about this possibilities please contact Virtual Florida Tours at 305 331 8960 or visit our web page
Money is scarce so how can you attract parents to go visit your school. You can invest hundreds of dollars in television and radio advertisement, you can try contacting previous students to send their son and daughters to the school or donate money to the school. The question really is How can you make your school more visible to parents so they realize that your school and not other is the one their kids will excel in?
Public education is getting the lead on this struggle to bring students to their schools. They are developing interactive web pages and placing virtual tours of their school. This allows the parents to appreciate the facilities and advantages of the school even without ever visiting it. An interactive web page is the place where you can allow the parents to obtain the information that will entice them to bring the students to your school.
If you will like to receive more information about this possibilities please contact Virtual Florida Tours at 305 331 8960 or visit our web page
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Do not worry you have Insurance?

When one of my close friend’s home was robbed all his problems started. They stole all the electronics in his home. He do not only felt violated on his privacy. Despite he had insurance now he had to prove to the insurance company what he used to own before the robbery.
He was looking around for old photos that contained his top of the line computer, his high definition TV, etc. They told him also manuals receipts could help. He was crazy for days before he talked to me.
I remind my friend that as part of my training for virtual tours I asked him to allow me take a virtual tour of his house. I just happened to have all the pictures he needed to prove to the insurance company what he had.
My friend was extremely lucky! What about you?
If you want to protect your assets do not hesitate to call Virtual Florida Tours at 305 331 8960 or visit us at our webpage.
virtual tour provider
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Should I Invest Time on Social Media?
I will like to ask some questions to you and request for a simple answer.
When you are looking for the answer to a certain question (or a product) which one of the following things you do?
a. Look in a dictionary
b. Use printed advertisement (magazines or newspaper)
c. Pay attention to see if any TV or Radio add gives you the solution
d. Google it or use any other search engine
e. Email friends and family to see if anyone can send you an URL that will contain the answer to your problems.
Multiple authors recommend that you should have a presence on the Internet. Maybe you have already a Webpage and are asking yourself why you cannot find your page when you Google it? The problem is no one is looking for you business! You are the only one interested in selling your product or services to the possible prospectors.
The answer to your problems is simple, but requires some dedication on your part. If you want to obtain a solid Internet presence Virtual Florida Tours can offer you all the help you need.
a. Business and Personal Web pages
b. Interactive virtual tours of your business or listings that will be automatically posted to your webpage
c. Free training in how to get to the front page of Google search engine
d. All the other needs for your Internet advertising.
Let the world to see your business now!
Allow us to help you. Do not hesitate no more Virtual Florida Tours is the solution you are looking for.
Contact us by calling at 305 331 8960 or simply click here and we will contact you as soon as possible.
When you are looking for the answer to a certain question (or a product) which one of the following things you do?
a. Look in a dictionary
b. Use printed advertisement (magazines or newspaper)
c. Pay attention to see if any TV or Radio add gives you the solution
d. Google it or use any other search engine
e. Email friends and family to see if anyone can send you an URL that will contain the answer to your problems.
Multiple authors recommend that you should have a presence on the Internet. Maybe you have already a Webpage and are asking yourself why you cannot find your page when you Google it? The problem is no one is looking for you business! You are the only one interested in selling your product or services to the possible prospectors.
The answer to your problems is simple, but requires some dedication on your part. If you want to obtain a solid Internet presence Virtual Florida Tours can offer you all the help you need.
a. Business and Personal Web pages
b. Interactive virtual tours of your business or listings that will be automatically posted to your webpage
c. Free training in how to get to the front page of Google search engine
d. All the other needs for your Internet advertising.
Let the world to see your business now!

Contact us by calling at 305 331 8960 or simply click here and we will contact you as soon as possible.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Solving oen house problems
Stephanie Andre does a fabulous work on how to stage your home for an open-house. She forgets that you will have to keep your house ready for a visitor on a daily basis. The realtor will place an automatic padlock that will allow people to visit your home while you are out. Sometimes you will like to remove all this aggravation by limiting the times that the realtor can show your home. This results in fewer chances for buyers to see your home and as a result less possibilities to sell your home.
From a realtor point of view this is also an inconvenience since you will have to check with your client when the house is available to be seen. This reduces your possibility of selling it. Also if the day is cloudy or it is raining it is almost impossible for your clients to picture your listing on its best lights.
How can you overcome these difficulties? Is it a way for the lawn to stay fresh and cut as it was just recently cut? Is there a way to make your client to agree to allow anyone to visit his property at any time without previous notice? How can his house be ready for a visit even when she is sleeping at night? Can the house look at its best even under a hurricane?
The solution for all this problems and to keep your clients happy at the same time is on the use of virtual tours.
Can you picture showing all your listings from the comfort and security of your office? Can you imagine how more listings you might obtain if you use this technique?
For your entire Internet advertising needs please call Virtual Florida Tours at 305 331 8960.
From a realtor point of view this is also an inconvenience since you will have to check with your client when the house is available to be seen. This reduces your possibility of selling it. Also if the day is cloudy or it is raining it is almost impossible for your clients to picture your listing on its best lights.
How can you overcome these difficulties? Is it a way for the lawn to stay fresh and cut as it was just recently cut? Is there a way to make your client to agree to allow anyone to visit his property at any time without previous notice? How can his house be ready for a visit even when she is sleeping at night? Can the house look at its best even under a hurricane?
The solution for all this problems and to keep your clients happy at the same time is on the use of virtual tours.
Can you picture showing all your listings from the comfort and security of your office? Can you imagine how more listings you might obtain if you use this technique?
For your entire Internet advertising needs please call Virtual Florida Tours at 305 331 8960.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
South Florida the best place to live
Once you decide to relocate or have a vacation home in South Florida You need to select a perfect location where you have access to all the advantages of living in a place that will offer an excellent climate most of the year. In South Florida there are different cities that you might select as your residence. But, which city can offer excellent beaches, the best restaurants, a vibrant cultural life an excellent communications to any place in the world? Only Miami has one of the biggest International airports and can offer you all this amenities together. The multiple cultural activities will address all tastes. Once you select Miami you need to decide a place that will offer you good communications to the beaches, the different cultural centers of the city and above all the security you and your family need. Cutler Oaks is a closed community that meets all this requirements, and recently our friend Ron Trazenfeld decided to place in the market a beautiful two story residence in one of the most exclusive neighborhoods of Miami Dade. This residence is placed in an extended lot and consists of Three Bedrooms, 2 and a half bathrooms, and a two car garage.
The house is totally staged by one of the most famous decorators of Miami.
Click to see the virtual tour or the You-tube presentation by clicking.
To place a virtual tour or market your residence on the Internet please contact Virtual Florida Tours at 305 331 8960 or visit our webpage
The house is totally staged by one of the most famous decorators of Miami.
Click to see the virtual tour or the You-tube presentation by clicking.
To place a virtual tour or market your residence on the Internet please contact Virtual Florida Tours at 305 331 8960 or visit our webpage
Sunday, April 25, 2010
How Can You Increase Your WEbsite Presence?
How good is your internet presence? Which statistics you should be looking at?
There are hundreds of numbers related to your website performance, the most important are:
1. The number of visitors (new and returning)
2. How many of those visitors become leads? Specially, what is the rate of visitors to leads?
3. The rank of your page. Google will rank your page between 1 and 10 based on a group of characteristics that you have to address.
4. You need to know which keywords are scoring better and if they are going up or down.
So how you can do this? It can sound as a monumental task, but in reality is an obtainable goal. To increase your presence on the Internet you need some knowledge of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Our personnel at Virtual Florida Tours are trained to help you optimize your internet presence allowing your company to increase the number of leads.
To get help on your webpage optimization, do not hesitate it not more. Contact our specialists or simply make a phone call to 305 331 8960, help is just a phone call away.
There are hundreds of numbers related to your website performance, the most important are:
1. The number of visitors (new and returning)
2. How many of those visitors become leads? Specially, what is the rate of visitors to leads?
3. The rank of your page. Google will rank your page between 1 and 10 based on a group of characteristics that you have to address.
4. You need to know which keywords are scoring better and if they are going up or down.
So how you can do this? It can sound as a monumental task, but in reality is an obtainable goal. To increase your presence on the Internet you need some knowledge of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Our personnel at Virtual Florida Tours are trained to help you optimize your internet presence allowing your company to increase the number of leads.
To get help on your webpage optimization, do not hesitate it not more. Contact our specialists or simply make a phone call to 305 331 8960, help is just a phone call away.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Social Media Prospecting on Real Estate
Social media is becoming more important each day as a way to stay in touch with clients and prospective buyers and sellers on the real estate industry. Sites such as Facebook, twitter and LinkedIn help real estate companies and professional allow them to stay on the top of the business on these difficult times. To build your business and create a community related by their resources as well as the generation of traffic and leads you need to increase the presence of your company on the social networking system. The use of Internet advertising and technology can help you increase your return on investment (ROI) an Virtual Florida Tours can help you on this task.Social networking is creating a shift in the way the real estate industry communicates, educate, nurtures, and shop their relationships with clients and prospects. To establish yourself as an expert it is important to remember that you must be creating informative content and community resources so you keep yourself for free as the expert the prospects will be looking for in your farming area.
If you are twitting you have to be careful to address the fundamental interest of your clients and prospects. Also remember to twit about different topics. Inform about future topics that you will be addressing in your blog.
Questions are important since people love to participate giving their opinions. Remember to comment about other people that comment on topics you are interested in. Make posting about your job useful, add pictures and other materials when possible.
Coming soon are our possibilities of staging empty listings, making your web site visible on the Internet by adding important resources and links to your webpage.
We welcome comments on any topic you will like us to address in our next blog.
If you have any questions on how we can help you please call us at (305) 331-8960 or visit our webpage
If you are twitting you have to be careful to address the fundamental interest of your clients and prospects. Also remember to twit about different topics. Inform about future topics that you will be addressing in your blog.
Questions are important since people love to participate giving their opinions. Remember to comment about other people that comment on topics you are interested in. Make posting about your job useful, add pictures and other materials when possible.
Coming soon are our possibilities of staging empty listings, making your web site visible on the Internet by adding important resources and links to your webpage.
We welcome comments on any topic you will like us to address in our next blog.
If you have any questions on how we can help you please call us at (305) 331-8960 or visit our webpage
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Importance of Internet Exposure and Real Estate Market
Some Realtors have a lot of experience but they are afraid of technology. Regretfully in today's market 80% of prospects start their search on the Internet.
The times that placing a sign on the front yard and information on the MLS and expect it to work are gone. Today's market requires that the realtor keeps pace with technology.
You need a webpage that place you as the specialist in your area with good content. The problem regretfully does not stop there since your webpage has to be found.
The market requires that you keep pace with technology. Don't be afraid to ask your virtual tour provider. Virtual Florida Tours personnel are trained and willing to help you with all your needs on the Internet exposure of your listings. We do not only provide you with state of the art virtual tours that can be shown on full screen, we can help you by writing blogs on your listing that will increase the exposure, provide you with a text messaging capture system that provides your prospect immediate information on the listing and provides you with the customers phone. Weekly and thorough statistics information on your listing outlining when, how frequently and from where is your virtual tour being visited. Social networking exposure of your listing and slide show in you tube. One of our latest is a personalized message in your own voice that can be attached to your virtual tour as part of the background information.
If you need more information or are willing to contract our services do not hesitate to contact us at 305 331 8960 to receive personal information or visit our web page.
The times that placing a sign on the front yard and information on the MLS and expect it to work are gone. Today's market requires that the realtor keeps pace with technology.
You need a webpage that place you as the specialist in your area with good content. The problem regretfully does not stop there since your webpage has to be found.
The market requires that you keep pace with technology. Don't be afraid to ask your virtual tour provider. Virtual Florida Tours personnel are trained and willing to help you with all your needs on the Internet exposure of your listings. We do not only provide you with state of the art virtual tours that can be shown on full screen, we can help you by writing blogs on your listing that will increase the exposure, provide you with a text messaging capture system that provides your prospect immediate information on the listing and provides you with the customers phone. Weekly and thorough statistics information on your listing outlining when, how frequently and from where is your virtual tour being visited. Social networking exposure of your listing and slide show in you tube. One of our latest is a personalized message in your own voice that can be attached to your virtual tour as part of the background information.
If you need more information or are willing to contract our services do not hesitate to contact us at 305 331 8960 to receive personal information or visit our web page.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Is Your Webpage Bringing the ROI You Expect?
Google is following a new kind of way to validate your webpage rank there is no longer just good content and a set of keywords that make people link to your webpage. Business now require that business are more creative creating multimedia, posting in You-tube, placing photos on Flikr and tagging this multimedia as much as possible.
There is another problem since there is a new SERP on the left corner of the search page. This really distracts users from the rest of the first page. It is extremely important to be in the first rows to obtain attention to your webpage.
The best way to achieve this will be to place as much content as possible on the different places of the Internet like YouTube, twitter, Flicker, etc. It is important to respond as quickly as possible to the comments and critics of your clients. This is what will keep them coming to your place and increasing your SEO.
If you need advice on how to increase the presence of your business on the Internet, you need to be in contact with those that really can help you get there by creating for you your own webpage and helping you find the right keywords and produce the multimedia that your business requires.
Here are some results that might help you understand the advantage of good SEO.
Website Grade
Moz Rank
Google Indexed Pages
Traffic Rank
Blog Grade
Inbound Links
There is another problem since there is a new SERP on the left corner of the search page. This really distracts users from the rest of the first page. It is extremely important to be in the first rows to obtain attention to your webpage.
The best way to achieve this will be to place as much content as possible on the different places of the Internet like YouTube, twitter, Flicker, etc. It is important to respond as quickly as possible to the comments and critics of your clients. This is what will keep them coming to your place and increasing your SEO.
If you need advice on how to increase the presence of your business on the Internet, you need to be in contact with those that really can help you get there by creating for you your own webpage and helping you find the right keywords and produce the multimedia that your business requires.
Here are some results that might help you understand the advantage of good SEO.
Website Grade
Moz Rank
Google Indexed Pages
Traffic Rank
Blog Grade
Inbound Links
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