Friday, June 12, 2009

Is It Important to Maintain an Internet Presence

A greater presence on the Internet is emphasized by multiple authors and in a recent article Mike Parker1 make a great point of its importance. The numbers of published papers that address this situation is overwhelming and of greater importance are those published by the national association of Realtors (NAR). In this articles NAR refers to the increase of prospects starting their house search through the Internet, and the increase income earned by those Realtors that are already getting a good return on investment on their Internet presence.
Multiple authors address the importance of SEO to obtain the correct Internet presence as your main goal. This will allow the prospects to locate your page when they are seeking information on your neighborhood. The greater amount of people finding you on the Internet will represent more business that will come your way.
The problem is how you make this people give you their information so you can contact them back. There has to be some kind of call for action of these prospects. In this way the prospects will be enticed to give you their information by promising a newsletter, a virtual tour for sellers or information just tailored to their needs. It is very important that these prospects receive feedback as soon as possible after they give their contact information.
For all your Internet marketing, SEO training and virtual tours in the counties of Miami Dade and Broward contact Virtual Florida Tours at 305 331 8960
•1. Parker Mike; "Traditional Agents Earn $36,700 Annually; Internet Agents Earn $100,000+ Annually" ; Retrieved from the Internet at:

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