Sunday, November 30, 2008

It Is All About Marketing

Recently I was rereading an article from Mary Ellen Podmolik1 about short-sales and why they have become such a frequent situation in this down market.
In part it all is about banks and lending companies lending their money at very risky not to say crazy situations expecting the house market never to stop growing and the bubble burst.
As we all know we ended paying for their greediness, but in part it also is the lack of effectiveness of some realtors that do not market the property of their client at their full extent.
It has been said again and again by the National Association of Realtors (NAR) that 84% of new buyers start their search on the Internet and it is obvious that a local newspaper only reaches your town for a weekend or if it is a magazine it will last on the shelves for a month. These kind of add that reach only a minor group of clients since less than 5 % according to NAR will ever open the real estate section of the newspaper. On the other hand you can place a Virtual Tour on the Internet for approximately half the cost of your newspaper weekend adds. The virtual tour will stay put for a year instead of a weekend or a month costing you less than 27 cents per day and getting for you some important issues:
•· More exposure for your money
•· More listings since you will stand out of your competition
•· And perhaps the most important a customer willing to refer you to his friends since he got top dollars for his property.
Virtual Florida Tours is a family owned company that serves Miami Beach, Coral Gables, Pine Crest, Palmetto Bay, Hallandale, Fort Lauderdale, and Hollywood cities and all of Miami Dade and Broward Counties in South West Florida. We are always striving for excellence so do not hesitate to contact us at 305 331 8960 and we will be sure to give the help you need.
Podmolik , Mary Ellen; "A Short Sale's Long Journey"; retrieved from the Internet at:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you heard the GREAT news? There has been a major change in the real estate industry due to the bailout and there is beach condo's, islands, and beach property literally for the taking. Most people would be surprised what they find after only 10 minutes of research. Many of them now own beach property and islands for under $10,000.00 USD.

Buy Beach Condos

Island Realty